We wish to bring to your kind
notice that Eight State Governments has announced the sale of their dated State
Development Loans for an aggregate amount of Rs.5,385.000 crores.
Sr. State
of Auction Notified Amount Tenor of SDL Type
No. Detail
(Rs.Crore) (in years)
01 Andhra Pradesh 750.000
10 Yield Based
02 Gujarat * 800.000 10 Yield
03 Haryana 550.000
10 Yield Based
04 Jharkand 500.000
10 Yield Based
05 Karnataka * 750.000
04 Yield Based
06 Kerala 1000.000
10 Yield Based
07 Sikkum 35.000
10 Yield Based
08 Tamil Nadu * 1000.000 10 Yield
Total 5385.000